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John Cook with Daniel Lambert at Castle Park Festival 29 A… | Flickr

Daniel Lambert ( 13 March 1809) is a goalkeeper and animal rancher from Leicester, England, famous for its outer size ordinary. After serving four years as an apprentice in an engraving and die casting work in Birmingham, he returned to Leicester sometime in 1788 and succeeded his father as Leicester's prison guard. He is a keen and powerful sportsman; on one occasion he fought with a bear in the streets of Leicester. He is an expert in animal sports, who is respected for his skills with dogs, horses and roosters.

By the time Lambert returned to Leicester, his weight began to increase steadily, although he was athletically active and, according to his own account, did not drink alcohol and did not eat unusual amounts of food. In 1805, Lambert's gaol was closed. By this time, he weighs 50 stones (700 pounds, 320 kg), and has been the most confirmed person to date in recorded history. Humiliated and sensitive about his body, Lambert became a hermit.

In 1806, poverty forced Lambert to put himself in the exhibition to raise money. In April 1806 , he lives in London, picks up an audience to enter his apartment to meet him. Visitors were impressed by his intelligence and personality, and his visit became very fashionable. After several months of public appearances, Lambert began to tire of showing off, and in September 1806 , he returned, rich, to Leicester, where he kept the sports dogs and regularly attended sporting events. Between 1806 and 1809, he made a series of short fundraising tours.

In June 1809, he died suddenly at Stamford. At the time of his death, he weighed a stone weighing 11 kilograms (739 lbs, 335 kg), and his coffin required 112 square feet (10.4 meters square) of wood. Although the coffin was built with wheels to allow for easy transportation, and a slanted approach dug into the grave, it took nearly half an hour to drag his casket into the trench, in a recently opened graveyard to the rear of St. Martin Church. While others have surpassed Daniel Lambert's record as the heaviest man in history, he remains a popular character in Leicester, and in 2009 was described by Leicester Mercury as "one of the city's most cherished icons".

Video Daniel Lambert


Early life

Daniel Lambert was born to his parents' home in Blue Boar Lane, Leicester, on March 13, 1770. His father, also named Daniel Lambert, has become a hunter for Harry Gray, 4th Earl of Stamford, and at the birth of his son. is a Leicester prison guard. The eldest of four children, Daniel Lambert has two sisters, and a brother who died young.

At the age of eight he was an avid swimmer, and for most of his life he taught local children to swim. Uncle Lambert's father - like his father - also works with animals, but as a professional animal watchdog; her maternal grandfather was a fighter cockerel. Lambert grew up with a strong interest in field sports, and especially liked the hunting, fishing, shooting and horse race horses. From his early adolescence, Lambert was a keen sportsman and in his teens, he was considered an expert in breeding hunting dogs.

In 1784, he was apprenticed to Messrs Taylor & amp; Co., engraving and die casting works in Birmingham owned by Mr. Benjamin Patrick. However, buckles and buttons are etched into which the special Patrick factory becomes outmoded, and the business is declining. In 1788, Lambert returned to Leicester, to serve as his father's assistant in prison (some sources dated Lambert back to Leicester to 1791, after the destruction of the Messrs Taylor & Co's residential building in the Priestley Riot July 1791 ). His father retired soon afterwards and Lambert replaced him as a goalkeeper. The younger Daniel Lambert is a highly respected gaoler; he befriends many prisoners, and makes every effort to help them when they go to court.


Although in his own opinion Lambert did not eat large quantities of food, by the time he returned to Leicester, his weight began to increase steadily, and in 1793 he weighed 32 stones (450 pounds, 200 kg). Concerned about his fitness, in his spare time he devotes himself to exercising, building his strength to the point where he can easily carry five hundred pounds (560 pounds, 250 kg). On one occasion, while he was watching a dancing bear on display at Blue Boar Lane, his dog slipped and bit him. The bear drops the dog to the ground, and Lambert asks the guard to hold him so he can pick up the wounded animal, but the guard lifts the bear's muzzle to attack the dog. Lambert reportedly hit the bear with a pole and with his left hand, punched his head, dropped him to the ground to allow the dog to escape.

Despite its increasing thickness, Lambert remains fit and active, once walking seven miles (11 km) from Woolwich to the City of London "with exhaustion that is much clearer than some middle men from the party". Although not very agile, he is not significantly limited by his body, and is able to stand on one leg and kick the other to a height of 7 feet (2.1 m). He continues to teach swimming in Leicester, and can stay with two grown men sitting on his back. She did not like changing clothes, and every morning she usually wore the clothes she wore the day before, whether they were still wet; by Lambert's own account he does not suffer from colds or other adverse effects of this behavior.

In 1801, the weight of Lambert had increased to about 40 stones (560 kg, 250 kg), and because his body did not mean he could not follow the hunt, he was forced to stop hunting. He continues to maintain interest in field sports, keeping a pack of 30 terriers. At this time, though he maintains his strong reputation as a gaoler, serious concern is raised about his fitness for the post. Traditional prisons are falling out of favor and replaced with forced labor agencies, and in 1805, old Bridewell's gaols were closed. Lambert was left without a job, but was given an annuity of Ã, Â £ 50 (about Ã, Â £ 3,700 per 2016) a year by the Leicester judges, in recognition of his excellent service as a goalkeeper.


Lambert's lirth then very big; six men of normal size could fit together in their vests, and each was stockings of the size of a sack. The 50-pound annuity is not enough to cover the cost of living, and its size prevents it from working. He became a virtual recluse. His mass stories then began to spread, and travelers visiting Leicester would use various excuses to visit his home. One of the visitors asked Lambert's servant to let him in when he wanted to ask Lambert advice about a chicken fight; Lambert leaned out the window and told the waiter to "tell him that I was a shy chicken". On another occasion, he confesses to his home a Nottingham man who asks for his advice on the mare's genealogy; to realize the man was just visiting to see it, Lambert told him that the horse was "by the Powerlessness of Curiosity".

Sensitive about his weight, Daniel Lambert refused to let himself be weighed, but around 1805, some friends persuaded him to come with them fighting with chickens in Loughborough. As soon as he pushed into their carriages, the rest of the party drove the train to a large scale and jumped out. After deducting the weight of empty trains (previously weighed), they calculated that Lambert's weight is now 50 stone (700 pounds, 320 kg), and that he has overtaken Edward Bright, 616-pound (279 kg) "Fat Man from Maldon", as the heaviest authenticated person in recorded history.


Despite his embarrassment, Lambert is indispensable for earning money, and does not see an alternative to put himself on screen, and charging his audience. On April 4, 1806, he boarded a specially constructed carriage and traveled from Leicester to his new home in 53a, Piccadilly, then near the western edge of London. For five hours every day, he welcomes visitors to his home, filling every shilling (about Ã, Â £ 3.72 per 2016).

Lambert shared his interests and knowledge about sports, dogs and farms with middle and upper class Londoners, and soon became very fashionable to visit him, or be his friend. Many are calling repeatedly; a banker makes 20 visits, paying the registration fee on every occasion. During this period of British history, there was no real stigma attached to obesity, and Lambert was generally regarded as an astonishing miracle, rather than a scorned or derided freak. His business was soon successful, attracting about 400 paying visitors per day. Her home is described as having air from a fashionable resort, rather than an exhibit, and she is happy to find that her customers generally treat her politely, and not just as a spectacle. He insisted on keeping among his visitors a courtesy atmosphere and everyone entering his room was obliged to take off their hats. One visitor refused to issue "even if the King was present" but Lambert replied that "Then by G ----, sir, you must stop immediately from this room, because I do not regard it as a sign of respect for myself, but for women and the man who respects me with their company. "

Lambert's popularity inspired an impersonator in "Master Wybrants, Mr. Lambert in miniature", which is showcased on Sackville Street. A leaflet described Wybrants as "Mr. Wybrants Hercules Modern, who at 4 months weighs 39 pounds, measured 2 feet around the Body 15 inches around the thighs and 8 inches around the Arm, to be seen at the corner of Sackville Street." Piccadilly ".

People will travel long distances to see him (on one occasion a party 14 went to London from Guernsey), and many will spend hours talking to him about animal breeding. The life-sized Lambert candle was displayed in London, where it became very popular. Daniel Lambert soon became a popular subject with cartoonists, who often portray him as John Bull. He got along well with the upper classes, and on one occasion met King George III. King and Lambert's reaction to this meeting was not recorded.

Medical examination

Lambert soon became the concern of the medical profession, and shortly after his arrival in London, the Medical and Physical Journal published an article about him. They confirmed that he weighed 50 stones (700 pounds, 320 kg), and measured his height as 5 feet 11 inches (1.80 m). A thorough medical examination found that her body function was working properly, and that she was breathing freely. Lambert is described as being active and mentally alert, reading well, and with excellent memory. She likes to sing, and has a normal speaking voice that shows no signs of pressure on the lungs. Doctors found tumefaction in the legs, legs and thighs, and fat accumulation in the stomach, but other than the scaly and thickened skin on his leg caused by previous erysipelas attacks, he had no health problems. Lambert told the doctor that he was eating normal food in normal amounts. He claims that since about 1795 he drank nothing but water, and that despite being young, and an ordinary party goer, he did not join his drinking companions. Lambert estimates that he can walk about a quarter of a mile (400 m) without difficulty. She sleeps regularly for no more than eight hours per night, always with the window open, and never sounds snoring; when he woke up he was always fully alert in five minutes, and he never naps during the day.

Possible cause

It is impossible to be sure about what causes Daniel Lambert's extreme weight, but is thought to be unlikely to be caused by an endocrine or gene disorder. In addition to his weight, he showed no symptoms of thyroid disorders, and none of his many portraits showed the patient's monthly face with Cushing's syndrome. Patients with Bardet-Biedl syndrome and Prader-Willi syndrome, the genetic syndrome that can cause obesity in the patient, also suffer from learning disabilities and muscle weakness, but everyone who knows Lambert agrees that he is very intelligent, very physically strong, and, except for erysipelas and venous insufficiency (varicose veins) in her legs, do not suffer from health problems. A contemporary commentator commented that "Mr. Lambert barely knew what was sick or unhealthy". Lambert's only recorded psychological problem was the occasional "spirit depression," during his time in London. Although he has an overweight aunt and uncle, his parents and siblings still alive continue to build normally throughout their lives.

Consequently, it is possible that Lambert's weight gain was not caused by a physical disorder but by a combination of overeating and lack of exercise. Though very heavy in his teenage years, he began to gain weight only when he took a relatively inactive job from the prison guard. A Lambert biography published during his lifetime tells that "it was within a year of this appointment that his mass received the greatest and fastest encryption". Although he claims to eat less, and abstain from alcohol, it is likely that men with lifestyles and his position in the community will eat meat in large quantities, and drink beer at social events.

JÃÆ'³zef Boruw? aski

After a few months in London, Lambert was visited by JÃÆ'³zef Boruw? Aski, a 3-foot-3-inch (99 cm) dwarf later in his seventies. Born in 1739 from a poor family in rural Pokuttya, Boruw? Aski is generally regarded as the last of the dwarves in Europe. He was introduced to Queen Maria Theresa in 1754, and after a short time lived with the deposed Polish king Stanis? Aw Leszczy? Skiing, he flaunts himself around Europe, thus becoming a rich man. At age 60, he retired to Durham, where he became a very popular figure so City of Durham paid him to stay there and he became one of his most prominent citizens. Boruw? Aski has a remarkable memory, and remember that Lambert, while still employed by die casting works of Patrick and before he became obese, has paid to see him in Birmingham. Boruw? Aski commented, "I have seen this face twenty years earlier in Birmingham, but it certainly is another body". He has been told that Lambert's bulk is a hoax, and therefore he feels his feet to prove to himself that it is not wrong. The two men compared their outfits, and calculated that one of Lambert's arms would provide enough cloth to make the whole coat for Boruw? Aski. Lambert asked after Boruw? The wife of the asker, Isalina Barbutan, where the last replied "No, he's dead, and I'm not very sorry, because when I insult him he puts me on the coat rack for punishment."

Meeting Lambert and Boruw? Aski, the largest and smallest people in the country, is the subject of enormous public interest; one newspaper reported that "It was Sir John Falstaff and Tom Thumb, which definitely gave twice as much prizes to the curious". Boruw? Aski lives to see the 98th year, despite predictions from the money lender who sold him an annuity to him that his small stature will make him vulnerable to illness.


Though generally respected by Londoners, the older Lambert remained there, the easier he became. Shy and self-conscious, he was annoyed that he was repeatedly asked about the size of his dress. In response to a request, to a woman who asked about the cost of her coat, she replied, "I can not pretend to charge my memory with the price, but I can put you into the method to get the information you want. right to make me a gift from a new coat, you'll know exactly how much it costs ". Other interested audiences claim that because of the entrance fee paying Lambert's clothes, he has a right to know; Lambert replied, "Sir, if I know which part of my next coat you will pay, I can assure you that I will cut it off." Lambert counted in 1806 that full clothing was charged at £ 20, about Ã, Â £ 1,500 in 2016.

Return to Leicester

Lambert had the sharpness to reject the offer of management from impresarios and agents, and in September 1806 he had returned to Leicester as a rich man. She returns to her favorite pastime, breeds sporting dogs and roosters. A terrier dog, where he was offered 100 guineas (about £ 7,800 by 2016), is said to be the best in the UK. He refused to sell the dog, who became his lifelong friend. He began again to attend sporting events, such as a report on Leicester Races in September 1806 noting that "Among the different characters on the grass we were delighted to see our old friend, Mr. Daniel Lambert, in very high health and spirit." Though too heavy to follow hunting by horseback, he used some of the money he earned in London to make a pack of bulldogs, watching from his car as they stuffed the rabbits in the Leicestershire countryside.

In December 1806, Lambert went on a short fundraising tour, and flaunted himself in Birmingham and Coventry. Early next year he returned to London, and lived in fashionable Leicester Square. There he fell ill; His doctor Dr. Heaviside feels that his illness may have been caused by contaminated London air, and Lambert returned to Leicester. He recovered, and then in 1807, made a series of tours in England.

In the summer of 1808, Lambert briefly returned to the capital, where he sold a pair of spaniels for 75 guineas (about Ã, Â £ 5,600 per 2016) at Tattersalls. Later that year, she showed off herself in York. In June 1809 , he embarked on another tour from East Anglia, to conclude at Stamford during the Stamford Races. One account indicates that this tour is meant to be the last, because he then is rich enough to retire. While on tour, Lambert weighed at Ipswich; his weight is 52 pounds sterling (739 Â £, 335 kg). No longer able to use the stairs, he took up residence on the ground floor of Waggon & amp; Horse inn at 47 High Street, Stamford on June 20th.


Upon his arrival at Stamford, Lambert sent a message to Stamford Mercury, ordering advertisements and flyers. Stating that "because the Mountain can not wait for Mahomet, Mahomet will go to the mountain", he asked the printer to visit him at Waggon & amp; Horses, to discuss printing requirements. That night, Lambert was in bed and admitted feeling tired, but even so he was able to discuss his requirements with the printer, and was worried that the flyers would be delivered on time.

On the morning of June 21st, Lambert wakes up at regular times and appears in good health. When she started shaving, she complained of difficulty breathing. Ten minutes later, he collapsed and died.

There was no autopsy, and the cause of Lambert's death was unknown. While many sources say that he died of cardiac fatty degeneration or stress in his heart caused by his body, his behavior in the period leading to his death did not correspond to someone suffering from cardiac insufficiency; the witness agreed that on the morning of his death he appeared well, before he was out of breath and fainted. Bondeson (2006) speculates that the most consistent explanation of his death, given his symptoms and medical history, is that he had sudden pulmonary embolism.

Maps Daniel Lambert


Lambert's body quickly began to rot. There was no question of his body being returned to Leicester, and so on June 22, it was placed inside an elm casket, 6 feet 4 inches long, 4 feet 4 inches wide and 2 feet 4 inches deep (193Ã,Â, cmà ¢ â,‰ " ¢ 132Ã, cm ÃÆ'â € "71Ã, cm), built on wheels to allow it to be moved. The coffin was so large that it moved out of the inn and into the newly opened tomb at the back of St Martin's Church, the windows and walls of his apartment were destroyed. An appropriately sized grave has been dug, with an oblique approach to avoid the need to lower the coffin from above, but on June 23, it still takes nearly half an hour for twenty people to pull Lambert's large coffin to the cemetery.

Lambert's friends paid a big grave, writing:

In Remember that Prodigy in Nature .
Original number Leicester :
who has a great mind and kindness and in Personal greatness does not have Competitors
He measures three feet an inch along Legs
nine Four-inch Legs along Body
and weigh
Fifty-two Eleven Pounds !
He left this Life on 21 June 1809
Age 39 years
As a Testimony of Respect for the Stone It was founded by Friends in Leicester >

Daniel Lambert Stock Photos & Daniel Lambert Stock Images - Alamy

After death

At the end of 1809, Mr. J. Drakard released the incredible and extraordinary life of the great man, the late Danl. Lambert, from his birth to the time of his dissolution, with records of men recorded for their corpses, and other interesting things, Lambert's first complete biography to be released after his death. Lambert's position as the heaviest person in recorded history was soon followed by American Mills Darden (1799-1857), but Lambert has now become a heretical figure, and almost every object connected to him is preserved for posterity. His clothes and belongings are sold at auction to the collectors, and many of them are kept in the museum today.

In England, many public homes and inns are named after Daniel Lambert, especially in Leicester and Stamford. Daniel Lambert's public house at 12 Ludgate Hill, near the entrance of St Paul's Cathedral in London, is famous, and has a large portrait of Daniel Lambert and Lambert walking sticks displayed in the lobby. James Dixon, owner of the Ram Jam Inn in Stamford, purchased a suit of clothes Lambert wore when he died and put it on display, changing the name of the inn with Daniel Lambert.

The term "Daniel Lambert" entered into general use in speeches and English writings, to refer to obese men. His name continues in this use long after the details of his life have been forgotten; In 1852, Charles Dickens said that "Lambert's name is better known than its history". Dickens Nicholas Nickleby compares Fat GeorgeÃ, IV with Lambert, and William Makepeace Thackeray using the term in the Vanity Fair to refer to the obese Joseph Sedley, and in The Luck of Barry Lyndon to refer to Tim's fat server. Over time, "Daniel Lambert" means something extraordinary; Herbert Spencer Sociology Studies uses the phrase "learn Daniel Lambert", while Thomas Carlyle sarcastically refers to Oliver Cromwell as "Daniel Lambert's great and crazy Daniel Gambler ' "In 1874, The Times , in reviewing the newly translated French comedy La Fiammina by Mario Uchard in which a character named" Daniel Lambert "noted that his name was" always related in the English mind with the notion of obesity ", and in 1907, almost 100 years after Lambert's death, ChÃÆ'Â ¢ teau de Chambord was referred to as" Daniel Lambert among ÃÆ'Â ¢ teaux. "Nellie Lambert Ensall, at the time of the heaviest woman in the world England, claiming in 1910 as grandfather of Daniel Lambert, but his claim may not be true; Lambert has not married and is unlikely to have any children.

In 1838, The English Annual published a series of poems, reportedly written by Lambert and found among his letters in Waggon and Horses after his death. No source was published during Lambert's lifetime that said he was interested in poetry or in other reading matters other than magazines about field sports, and it is unclear why his letters should have been with him at Stamford at the time of his death, not at his home in Leicester.. The inventor of this poem is credited only as "Omega". It is very likely that poetry is a hoax.

P. T. Barnum and General Tom Thumb

P. T. Barnum and General Tom Thumb as high as 25 inches (Charles Sherwood Stratton) visited Stamford in 1846 and donated one of Thumb's costumes to Dixon to be featured with Lambert's. General Tom Thumb visited Stamford again in 1859 and tied up in one of Lambert's stockings. In 1866, General Tom Thumb, with his equally short wife, Lavinia Warren (Mercy Lavinia Warren Bump), his sister Minnie Warren (Huldah Pierce Warren Bump) and Barnum, another Commodore Nutt (George Washington Morrison Nutt) dwarf visiting Stamford. All four are able to pass Lambert's knee knee together. In 1866, Lambert and Tom Thumb's clothes were sold to the Old London Tavern in Stamford; they later belonged to the Stamford Museum. (In June 2010 , it was announced that the Stamford Museum will be closed on June 2011 , with the collection transferred to the Stamford Library.)

1806 Lambert candles were exported to the United States and exhibited in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1813. In 1828, the statue was featured in the Boston Vauxhall Gardens in Lambert's complete outfit. It was later purchased by P.T. Barnum and on display at Barnum's American Museum in New York, but the museum was destroyed by fire in 1865 and, although the workers tried to save the candle, it melted in the heat and was destroyed.

In popular memory

Lambert is still a popular character in Leicester, portrayed in 2009 by Leicester Mercury as "one of the city's most cherished icons"; some public houses and local businesses are named after him. The game of Sue Townsend Ghost Daniel Lambert , in which Lambert ghosts did not approve the demolition and rebuilding of the historic city center in the 1960s, premiered in Leicester's Haymarket Theater in 1981. Lambert was also a popular figure in Stamford, and local football team Stamford AFC nicknamed "The Daniels", after him.

A set of Lambert clothing, along with armchairs, sticks, caroseries, and prayer books, were permanently displayed at the Newarke House Museum in Leicester. The Stamford Museum flaunts tailor dolls, dressed in Daniel Lambert's clothes as if they were made for him, plus hats and photographs. Daniel Lambert's pub at Ludgate Hill is no more, and the memorabilia previously displayed there is now permanently on display at the George Hotel in Stamford. Daniel Lambert's pub in Stamford has also been closed.

In 2009, on the 200th anniversary of his death, Leicester celebrated Daniel Lambert's Day, and over 800 people attended the event in his name at the Newarke Houses Museum.

See also

  • William Ball (Shropshire Giant)

Notes and references




External links

  • Newarke House Museum
  • Stamford Museum
  • The extraordinary and extraordinary man's life, Daniel Lambert: from his birth to the time of his dissolution, (New York, 1818). From the Digital Collection of the National Library of Medicine.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
