An attack helicopter is a helicopter armed with the main role of an attack aircraft, with the ability to attract targets on the ground, such as enemy infantry and armored combat vehicles. Due to their heavy armament, they are sometimes called helicopter gunships.
Weapons used on attack helicopters can include autocannons, machine guns, rockets, and guided anti-tank missiles like Hellfire. Many attack helicopters are also capable of carrying air-to-air missiles, although mostly for self-defense purposes. Today's attack helicopters have two main roles: first, to provide direct and accurate close air support for ground troops, and secondly, the anti-tank role to destroy the enemy's armor concentration. Attack helicopters are also used to equip light helicopters in the role of armed scouts. In combat, an attack helicopter is projected to destroy about 17 times its own production cost before it is destroyed.
Video Attack helicopter
Background, precursor and development
Low-speed, fixed-wing Allied aircraft such as Soviet Polikarpov Po-2 training and utility biplanes have been used as early as 1942 to provide nightclub attack capability against Wehrmacht Heer on the Eastern Front, most effective in the Battle of the Caucasus as exemplified by Soviet Night Witches all-female air units. After Operation Overlord in 1944, the military version of Pop J-3 Cub monoplane civil flying wing that was very slow, L-4 Grasshopper, began to be used in lightweight anti-armor roles by some US Army artillery reconnaissance. the upper unit of France; the planes are equipped with two or four bazooka rocket launchers attached to the struts lifts, against German armored fighting vehicles. During the summer of 1944, US Army Major Charles Carpenter succeeded in taking an anti-armor role with the Piper L-4 armed with rockets. His L-4, named Rosie the Rocketeer , was armed with six bazookas, having a famous anti-armor success during engagement during the Arracourt Battle on September 20, 1944, employing top attack tactics in knocking down at least four armored vehicles Germany, for example a pioneer to take heavy enemy armor from slow-flying aircraft. Germany itself was also involved in a low-speed ad-hoc "light plane" platform for a very late ground attack in the war, with a subtype of the BÃÆ'¼cker Bestmann trainer - BÃÆ'¼ 181C- 3 - armed with four anti-tank grenade launchers Panzerfaust 100, two under each wing monoplane wing low panel, to end two months of war in Europe. This kind of role, performed by light aircraft with low-speed wings is something that might also be attainable after World War II, from the increasing number of post-war military helicopter designs. The only American helicopter used during the war years, Sikorsky R-4, is only used to save and is still very experimental.
In the early 1950s, various countries around the world began to increase the use of helicopters in their operations in transport and liaison roles. It was later realized that these helicopters, the successors of the World War II Sikorsky R-4 era, could be armed with weapons to give them limited combat capability. Early examples include Sikorsky H-34 armed in service with the US Air Force and Mil Mi-4 armed in service with the Soviet Air Force. In the opening months of the Korean War, in August 1950, a joint US Navy and Marine Corps test using the newly acquired HTL-4 Bell helicopter to test whether bazookas could be fired from helicopters in flight. One of the larger 3.5 inches (90mm caliber) bazooka models is selected, and mounted in front and to the right of the helicopter to allow the door to stay clear. Bazooka was successfully tested, although it was found that it would require a shield for the engine compartment, exposed in model 47 and other early helicopters. The helicopter itself belongs to HMX-1, a Marine experimental helicopter squadron. This "experimental" trend towards the development of special attack helicopters continued into the 1960s with the spread of Bell UH-1 and Mil Mi-8 weapons during the Vietnam War, to this day the most widely produced pair of helicopter designs in aviation history. This helicopter proved quite successful in this configuration, but due to lack of protection and speed of armor, they are essentially an ineffective platform for mounting weapons in higher ground combat environments.
Since the 1960s, various countries around the world began designing and developing various types of helicopters with the goal of providing highly armed and protected air vehicles that can perform various combat roles, from reconnaissance to air attack missions.
In the 1990s, helicopter-fired missile attacks evolved into a major anti-tank weapon. Being able to quickly move around the battlefield and launch a "pop-up attack" at a glance, the helicopter presents a great threat even with the presence of an organic air defense. Helicopter gunships became the main tool against tank warfare, and most of the attack helicopters became more and more optimized for antitank missions.
United States
In the mid-1960s, the US Army concluded that attack helicopters built with speed and firepower over armed helicopters are currently needed in the face of intensified ground fire (often using heavy machine guns and anti-tank rockets) from Viet Cong Forces and NVA. Based on this realization, and with increased involvement in Vietnam, the US Army developed the requirements for a special attack helicopter, Advanced Aerial Fire Support System (AAFSS). The design of the aircraft chosen for this program in 1965, was Lockheed AH-56 Cheyenne.
When the Army began to acquire a special attack helicopter, he searched for options to improve performance over the continued use of improvised interim planes (such as UH-1B/C). In late 1965, a high-ranking officer panel was selected to evaluate several prototype versions of armed and attack helicopters to determine which provides the most significant upgrades to UH-1B. The top three aircraft, Sikorsky S-61, Kaman H-2 "Tomahawk", and Bell AH-1 Cobra, were selected to compete in flight trials conducted by the Army Aviation Test Activity. After completing the flight evaluation, the Activity Test recommended the Bell's Huey Cobra to be a temporary armed helicopter until Cheyenne was demoted. On April 13, 1966, the US Army awarded a contract to the Bell Helicopter Company for 110 AH-1G Cobra. Cobra has a tandem cockpit seating arrangement (vs UH-1 side-by-side) to create smaller frontal target planes, enhanced armor protection, and greater speed.
In 1967, the first AH-1G was deployed to Vietnam, around the same time when Cheyenne successfully completed the first flight and an early flight evaluation. And while the Cheyenne program suffered a setback over the next few years due to technical problems, Cobra built itself as an effective air gun platform, despite its performance deficiencies compared to AH-56 and its own design problems. In 1972, when the Cheyenne program was finally canceled to make way for the Advanced Attack Helicopter (AAH), interim AH-1 "Snake" has built a solid reputation as a helicopter attack. In June 1972, USMC began deploying AH-1J Serangan Laut Serok A-J helicopter for combat operations in South Vietnam.
During the late 1970s, the US Army saw the need for greater sophistication in helicopter corps attacks, allowing them to operate in all weather conditions. With that, the Advanced Attack Helicopter program begins. From this program Hughes YAH-64 came out as the winner. The YAH-64 prototype was first flown on 30 September 1975. The US Army voted YAH-64 at Bell YAH-63 in 1976, and then approved full production in 1982. After purchasing Hughes Helicopters in 1984, McDonnell Douglas went on AH- 64 production and development. The helicopter was introduced to the US Army service in April 1986.
Today, US attack helicopters have been further refined, and the AH-64D Apache Longbow shows many advanced technologies being considered for deployment on future warships. The US Marine Corps also continues to use attack helicopters in direct shot support roles, in the form of AH-1 Super Cobra. While helicopters are an effective tank-killer in the Middle East, attack helicopters look more in multipurpose roles. Tactics, such as plinking tanks, show that fixed wing aircraft can be effective against tanks, but helicopters retain low-altitude capabilities, a unique low speed for close air support. Another specially constructed helicopter was developed for a special operations mission, including MH-6 for very close support.
The Soviet Union and its successor countries
During the early 1960s, Soviet engineers began experimenting with various designs aimed at producing air vehicles that could provide battlefield mobility for infantry and provide fire support to troops on land. The first of these concepts was a mock-up that was inaugurated in 1966 in the factory experimental shop number 329, where Mikhail Leont'yevich Mil was the chief designer. The mock-up, designated V-24, is based on another project, the V-22 utility helicopter, which itself never goes into production. V-24 ​​has an infantry transport compartment that can hold eight troops back to back, and a set of small wings positioned to the top of the rear passenger cabin, capable of holding up to six missiles or rockets, along with twins - barrel GSh-23L cannon fixed to the landing landing.
These designs were proposed by Mil to the Soviet armed forces, and while he had the support of a number of strategists, he was opposed by some senior members of the armed forces who believed that conventional weapons were better at using resources. Despite opposition, Mil managed to persuade the first deputy defense minister, Marshal Andrey A. Grechko, to convene a panel of experts to investigate the issue. While panel views were mixed, project proponents eventually held power and demand for design proposals for helicopter battlefield support was issued.
The development of combat weapons and helicopter attacks by the US Army during the Vietnam War convinced the Soviets of the advantages of armed helicopter ground support doctrine, which had a positive influence to move forward with the Mil Mi-24 development. After several mock-ups were produced, the directive was issued on May 6, 1968 to continue the development of twin engine helicopter designs. The work continued under Mil to his death in 1970. Detailed design work began in August 1968 under the codename Yellow 24. A full-scale mock-up of the design was reviewed and approved in February 1969. Flight tests with prototypes began on September 15, 1969 with float tethered, and four days later the first free flight was made. The second prototype was built, followed by a series of ten helicopter tests. A number of other design changes were made until the Mi-24A production version entered production in 1970, gaining initial operating capability in 1971 and officially accepted into the state warehouse in 1972. Many versions have been developed to this day.
In 1972, after the completion of Mi-24, the development started on a unique attack helicopter with transport capabilities. The new design has reduced transportation capabilities (3 troops instead of 8) and is called Mil Mi-28. Also developed is the Ka-50 attack helicopter, which is smaller and more maneuverable and has no cabin to carry troops.
In 1977, the initial design Mil Mi-28 was chosen, in a classic single rotor layout. Transportability capability removed and loss of resemblance to Mi-24. Design work on the Mi-28 began under Marat Tishchenko in 1980. In 1981, design and mock-up was received. The prototype (No.012) was first flown on 10 November 1982. In the same timeframe, Kamov also tried to submit his own design to a new military helicopter, which they had designed during the early and mid-1980s. In 1984, the Mi-28 completed the first phase of the state trials, but in October 1984 the Soviet Air Force voted for the more advanced Kamov Ka-50 as a new anti-tank helicopter. Development of the Mi-28 continues, but given a lower priority. In December 1987 the Mi-28 production at Rosvertol in Rostov on Don was approved. After several prototypes were built, production ceased in 1993 with additional development that continued into the 21st century. Changes in the military situation after the Cold War made a special anti-tank helicopter useless. The advantages of the Mi-28N, like all-weather action capabilities, lower costs, and similarities with the Mi-24, are becoming more important. In 2003, the head of the Russian Air Force declared that the Mi-28N and Ka-50 attack helicopters would become Russian standard attack helicopters. The first series Mi-28N was sent to the Army on 5 June 2006.
People's Republic of China
In 1979, the Chinese military studied the problem against large armor formations. This concludes that the best conventional solution is to use attack helicopters. Eight AÃÆ' Â © rospatiale Gazelles that are armed with Euromissile HOT are obtained for evaluation. In the mid-1980s, the Chinese decided that a special attack helicopter was required. At that time, they used civilian helicopters converted to the military; this is no longer adequate in the attack role, and is only suitable as a scout. After this, China evaluated Mangusta Agusta A129, and in 1988 obtained an agreement with the US to purchase AH-1 Cobras and license to produce BGM-71 TOW missiles; the latter was canceled after the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 and the arms embargo produced. The color revolution prevents the purchase of attack helicopters from Eastern Europe in 1990 and 1991; Bulgaria and Russia rejected China's offer to buy Mil Mi-24.
When trying to import a failed foreign design, the war game dictates that a helicopter attack should be commanded by the army, rather than the air force. This led to the formation of the Army of the People's Liberation Army (PLAGFAF), with the initial strength of 9 Harbin Z-9. The PLAGFAF conducts a tactical experiment that will help determine the Z-10 requirements in the future. The study also ruled that anti-tank missiles such as the BGM-71 TOW are inadequate, and prefer analogue to AGM-114 Hellfire.
The Gulf War highlighted the urgent need for helicopter attacks, and reasserted the judgment that designs made with the purpose were needed. (At that time, the Chinese military relied on helicopter-assisted guns like the Changhe Z-11 and Harbin Z-9.) Also, it showed that the new attack helicopter must be able to defend itself against helicopters and other aircraft. The military feels that once a new attack helicopter enters the service, the existing helicopter will be used as a reconnaissance.
The Armed Helicopter Development Team (?????????) was formed to develop a new intermediate helicopter design, as opposed to basing new designs on lightweight helicopters later in service. The Research Institute 602 and 608 initiated the development of a 6 ton Helmets (CHM) medium-grade helicopter program in 1994. The program was promoted as a civilian project, and was able to obtain significant Western technical assistance, such as from Eurocopter (rotor installation) design consultancy), Pratt & amp; Whitney Canada (PT6C turboshaft engine) and Agusta Westland (transmission). The Chinese are concentrated in areas that can not get foreign aid. The 602 Research Institute called armed helicopter design proposed by WZ-10 (Wu Zhi (??, Literally Armed Helicopter
The 602nd Research Institute was commissioned as the main designer, while Harbin Aircraft Manufacturing Corporation (HAMC) of China Aviation Industry Corporation II (AVIC II) was assigned as a major producer. Nearly four dozen other companies participated in the program. According to Chinese sources, early pilot flights were concluded on December 17, 2003, while according to other sources they finished nine months earlier in March 2003. According to Jane Information Group, a total of 3 prototypes have completed more than 400 hours of testing. the current flight. In 2004, 3 other prototypes were built, for a total of 6, and the second phase of test flight was concluded on December 15, 2004. In one of the flight tests, the commander of the Army of the People's Liberation Army in the future. Air Force (PLAGAF), Song Xiangsheng (???), is on a prototype board. The third phase of the intensive flight test followed, lasting for day and night. In January 2006 tests of weaponry and censorship, including sharp firing of bullets, have occurred. Helicopters were introduced to the general public in December 2010 and then entered service with the People's Liberation Army.
In 1972, the Italian Army began forming requirements for light observations and anti-tank helicopters. Agusta initially studied the development of a combat-oriented derivative of their existing A109 helicopter, but they decided to continue with the development of a more ambitious helicopter design. In 1978, Agusta officially began the design process of what would become Agusta A129 Mangusta. On September 11, 1983, the first of the five A129 prototypes made the inaugural flight of that type; the first fifth prototype will fly in March 1986. The Italian Army placed an order for a total of 60 A129.
French, German and Spanish
In 1984, the German governments of France and the West issued a requirement for advanced multirole battle helicopters. A joint venture consisting of AÃÆ' Â © rospatiale and MBB is then selected as the preferred supplier. According to the statement of French Defense Minister AndrÃÆ' Â © Giraud in April 1986, cooperative efforts have become more expensive than individual national programs and are expected to take longer to complete as well. In July 1986, a government report into the project alleged that development had distanced itself from the requirements and preferences of military customers developed by Tiger.
Both France and Germany reorganize the program. Thomson-CSF also took over most of Tiger's electronic development work, such as visual systems and sensors. Despite initial development issues and political uncertainty between 1984 and 1986, the program was officially re-launched in November 1987; It is at this point that a greater emphasis on anti-tank abilities of helicopter attacks appears. Most project organizational frameworks were quickly rebuilt between 1987 and 1989; such as the installation of the Franco-German Helicopter Office to act as an executive institution of the program in May 1989.
Due to the end of the Cold War and subsequent defense budgets declining in the 1990s, financial pressures led to further questions about the need for the entire program. In 1992, AÃÆ' Â © rospatiale and MBB, among other companies, merged to form the Eurocopter Group; this led to the consolidation of the aerospace industry and the Tiger project itself. A major deal was reached in December 1996 between France and Germany that cemented Tiger's prospects and developed support elements, such as a series of new-generation missile designs for use by new combat helicopters.
On June 18, 1999, both Germany and France publicly placed orders for an initial batch of 160 Tiger helicopters, 80 for each country, worth EUR3.3 billion. On March 22, 2002, the first Tiger production was rolled out in a large ceremony held at the Donauworth Eurocopter plant; although the production model began initial acceptance trials in 2003, the first official delivery to the French Army took place on 18 March 2005; the first official tiger shipments to Germany were followed on April 6, 2005. Germany reduced its order to 57 in March 2013. In 2008 OCCAR estimated the project cost of EUR7.3 billion. France's FY2012 budget puts their share of the project at EUR6.3bn (~ US $ 8.5bn), implying a program cost of EUR14.5bn (~ US $ 19.5bn) to three major partners. At FY2012 prices, their 40 HAP costs are EUR27m/unit (~ US $ 36m) and 40HAD EUR35.6m/unit (~ US $ 48m), inclusive of French Tiger development expenses at a cost of EUR78.8m (~ US $ 106m) each.
South Africa
The Rooivalk project began in early 1984 under the auspices of Atlas Aircraft Corporation, the predecessor of Denel Aviation. Faced with the increasingly conventional nature of the South African Border War, the South African Defense Force recognizes the need for a special helicopter attack and is in accordance with the appropriate aircraft development process.
Atlas XH-1 Alpha is the first prototype to emerge from the program. It was developed from the fuselage AÃÆ' Â © rospatiale Alouette III, maintaining that helicopter engines and dynamic components, but replacing the original cockpit with a one-step tandem, adding 20 mm cannons on the nose and changing the undercarriage configuration to the tail-dragger. The XH-1 first flew on 3 February 1985. The result was finally good enough to convince Atlas and SAAF that the concept was feasible, opening the door to Rooivalk's development.
During Rooivalk's development, it was decided to base the aircraft on a dynamic component of the AÃÆ' Â © rospatiale Super Puma, a larger and more powerful helicopter. These components are already used on Atlas Oryx, local upgrades and modifications of AÃÆ' Â © rospatiale Puma.
Unfortunately, Rooivalk's development continued until after the end of the South African Frontier War and the defense budget was trimmed due to parliamentary changes to the requirements of the national air force. This resulted in extensive development and production periods from 1990 to 2007, in which 12 aircraft were manufactured for use by the South African Air Force. The aircraft was later upgraded to Block 1F standard in 2011. This increase involves improved targeting systems and other avionics that allow helicopters to use missiles for the first time. The Mokopa ATGM qualifies as part of the upgrade process. Improved gearbox components and cooling problems with a 20 mm F2 cannon are also handled.
On April 1, 2011, the South African Air Force received five of the eleven (one of the twelve aircraft originally shipped to SAAF abolished after the accident) Block 1F upgraded Rooivalk. The ninth and tenth Rooivalk attack helicopters were delivered in September 2012 after they were upgraded to the initial operating standard of Block 1F. Rooivalk eleventh and last delivered on March 13, 2013.
The Indian Army deploys Mil Mi-35 (Mi-24V export variant) and HAL Rudra in 2014. During the Kargil War in 1999, the Indian Air Force and the Indian Army found that there was a need for helicopters that could operate. at such high altitude conditions easily. Limitations of high-loaded operations and restricted maneuverability Mil Mi-35 led India to develop Light HAL Combat Helicopter and HAL Rudra for multi-role high-level combat operations. This helicopter will be used by the Indian Air Force and Indian Army Aviation Corps.
Maps Attack helicopter
Although commonly overlooked by observers, the 1980s Iran-Iraq War sees "the most intensive use of helicopters" in conventional wars, as well as the only confirmed helicopter dogfights in history; in particular, AH-1J SeaCobras from the Iran Air Force Flight involved with Mi-24 Hind and Mi-8 Hip helicopters from the Iraqi Air Force Air Corps.
The 1990s can be seen as the coming of age for a US attack helicopter. AH-64 Apache was used extensively during Operation Desert Storm with great success. Apache fired the first shot of the war, destroying the enemy's early warning radar and SAM sites with their Hellfire missiles. They are then successfully used in both their operational roles, for direct attacks on enemy armor and as air artillery to support ground troops. Hellfire missiles and cannon attacks by Apache helicopters destroy many enemy tanks and armored cars.
The role of "internal assault" from helicopter attacks that operate independently became a question after a failed mission, during the 2003 Gulf War attacks on Karbala Gap. The second mission in the same area, four days later, but coordinated with artillery and fixed wing aircraft, was much more successful with minimal losses.
In 2011, France and Britain sent helicopters attacking Eurocopter Tiger and AgustaWestland Apache to Libya. The main purpose of the 2011 military intervention was to protect civilians according to United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973. Within days of the Apache deployment, they had completed various tasks such as destroying tanks, checkpoints held by pro-Gaddafi forces and vehicles carrying ammunition loyal to Muammar Gaddafi. Attack helicopters are reportedly much more effective than fighter jets that have previously been assigned these tasks.
In 2013, the South African National Defense Force announced that they would deploy Denel Rooivalk's attack helicopter to the Democratic Republic of Congo to support the United Nations Organization's Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This is the first combat placement for a helicopter. Three helicopters from 16 SAAF Squadrons were deployed to the region and since November 2013 engaged in a fierce battle with the UN Armed Forces Intervention Force, against insurgents operating in North Kivu, in particular the M23 militia, composed of previously hardened government troops equipped. with relatively heavy weapons such as major battle tanks and anti-aircraft weapons. During its first combat mission, it proved to be instrumental in directing the rebels from their hilltop base during an attack by the Armed Forces Intervention Forces of the United Nations and Military Democratic Republic of Congo.
Contoh modern termasuk:
- AgustaWestland AW129
- TAI/AgustaWestland T129
- Bell AH-1 Cobra
- Bell AH-1 SuperCobra
- Bell AH-1Z Viper
- Boeing AH-64 Apache
- AgustaWestland Apache
- CAIC WZ-10
- Denel Rooivalk
- Eurocopter Tiger
- HAL Light Combat Helicopter
- Harbin Z-19
- Kamov Ka-50/Ka-52
- Mil Mi-24 "Hind"
- Mil Mi-28
Lihat juga
- Helikopter Bersenjata
- Penerbangan Angkatan Darat
- Gunship
Bacaan lebih lanjut
- Duke, R.A., Operasi Helikopter di Aljazair [Trans. Prancis], Dept of the Army (1959)
- Prancis, Grup Riset Operasi, Laporan Misi Penelitian Operasi H-21 Helicopter (1957)
- Leuliette, Pierre, St. Michael and the Dragon: Memoirs of a Paratrooper , New York: Houghton Mifflin (1964)
- Riley, David, Operasi Helikopter France's Aljazair Marine Corps Gazette, Februari 1958, hlm 21-26.
- Shrader, Charles R. Perang Helikopter Pertama: Logistik and Mobilitas of Aljazair, 1954-1962 Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers (1999)
- Spencer, Jay P., Whirlybirds: Sejarah Perintis Helikopter A.S. , Seattle, WA: Universitas Washington Press (1998)
Source of the article : Wikipedia