Selasa, 17 Juli 2018

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Miss Julie (Swedish: FrÃÆ'¶ken Julie ) is a naturalistic drama written in the year 1888 by August Strindberg. It is set on a mid-summer night on a tally plantation in Sweden. The young lady from this title is interested in a senior waiter, a valet named Jean, who is very well traveled, polite and read a lot. The action took place in the kitchen of Miss Julie's father's home, where Jean's fiancee, a waitress named Christine, cooks and sometimes sleeps while Jean and Miss Julie talk.

On this night the relationship between Miss Julie and Jean increased quickly into a feeling of love and then perfected. During the play Miss Julie and Jean battle until Jean assures her that the only way to escape her trouble is to commit suicide.

Video Miss Julie


One of the themes of this drama is Darwinism, a theory that has greatly affected the author during his naturalistic period. This is stated explicitly in the preface, in which Strindberg describes the two main characters, Miss Julie and Jean, competing in evolutionary "life and death" battles for the most suitable survival. The character, Miss Julie, represents the last of the descendants of the old aristocracy who will die as well as the characterization of women in modernity, while Jean represents the person who rises upward, and who is better suited to flourish because he is better able to adapt in terms of "life roles" do it. The drama contains themes, partly because Miss Julie's actions are motivated by various factors and influences: her class, her desires and her impulsive nature, her father, and the dynamic trauma of her family history. He was given a certain amount of motivation because the writer, in his desire to be naturalistic, realized that in people's lives can be motivated in several ways, and also because the writer takes a stand against the dominant theatrical idea that says the character must be written with only one major motivation.

Maps Miss Julie

Preface of author

This drama was preceded by an extraordinary writer, who busied himself with Strindberg's naturalism ideas and how they apply to his game, Miss Julie. With the introduction, Strindberg speaks of the ideas of aristocracy and classism even more than the game itself. In the preface, he describes Jean and Julie as stereotypical representations of their class and society. Miss Julie is specifically criticized by Strindberg "as a modern character that does not mean that half the woman who hates men does not exist in every age... women, this stunted human form that stands between human beings, the ruler of creation, the creator of culture, [and the child ], intended to be the equivalent of humanity or ever existed, he engaged himself in the absurd struggle in which he fell. "Strindberg, with his description of Miss Julie is the foreword which elevates it as a character representing women in the age of modernity, who stated in the introduction their fall through the medium of naturalistic tragedy.

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Strindberg wrote this drama with the intention of obeying the theory of "naturalism" - both his own version, as well as the version described by French novelist and literary theorist, ÃÆ' â € ° Zola mile. The Zola term for naturalism is la nouvelle formule . The three main principles of naturalism (fairy vrai, faire grand and faire simple ) are the first, that the game must be realistic, and the result of careful study of human behavior. and psychology. His character must be flesh and blood; their motivations and actions should be based on heredity and environment. Presentation of games in terms of setting and performance should be realistic and not flamboyant or theatrical. The single setting Miss Julie , for example, is the kitchen.

Second, conflict in the play must be a matter of meaningful meaning and life-changing - not small or small.

And thirdly, the game should be simple - not cluttered with complicated sub-plots or long expositions.

Strindberg is well aware that the French playwright can not achieve naturalism, and he feels that he can do it. Miss Julie is not only a success as a naturalistic drama, but it is a game that has achieved a rare distinction made onstage around the world every year since it was written in 1888.

Miss Julie by August Strindberg, A Chichester Festival Theatre ...

Origins of the play

The drama was written when Strindberg created his own new theater: the Scandinavian Naturalistic Theater, to be established in Copenhagen. Miss Julie will be the main offer. Strindberg's wife, Siri von Essen, will star in the lead role, and she will also become the artistic director. After Strindberg agreed on a small amount of censorship, the drama was published several weeks before the first production. (The first English translation also contained a censored exception, for example, the first audience escaped the shock of hearing Miss Julie, at an angry moment, comparing sex to Jean with animalistic gestures.) With the disastrous time for the new theater, the sensor announced during rehearsal, that Miss Julie will be banned. However, Strindberg managed to get around the censorship by making Miss Julie aired a few days later at the Copenhagen University Student Union.

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Miss Julie: The Count's powerful princess owns the land. Raised by her late mother to "think like and act like a man", she is a confused individual. He realized the power he was holding but switched between being on the servants and playing with Jean. He longs to fall from his pole, an expression that is symbolically placed as a recurring dream he has.

Jean: Manservant to Count. She tells about seeing Miss Julie countless times as a child and loves her even later, but the truth of the story is then rejected. There is good evidence to and against the truth. He left town and traveled widely, worked many different jobs as he left, before finally returning to work to count. She has aspirations to rise from her position in life and manage her own hotel, and Miss Julie is part of her plan. He took turns kindly and heartlessly. Despite his ideals, he became a slave just by looking at gloves and boots.

Christine (or Kristine): The cook at Count's household. He is very religious and apparently engaged to Jean, although they call this marriage almost joking.

Counts: Miss Julie's Dad. He was never seen, but his gloves and boots were on stage, serving as a reminder of his strength. When the bell rang, its presence was also noted stronger.

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The drama opened with Jean walking to the stage, set into a kitchen manor. He dropped Count shoes to the side but still in view of the audience; her dress indicates that she is a servant. The playwright describes this set in detail in a naturalistic style. Jean spoke to Christine about Miss Julie's strange behavior. He thinks he's crazy ever since he went to the dance, danced with the goalkeeper, and tried to dance with Jean, a servant of the Count. Christine dug into Miss Julie's background, declaring how, unable to face her family after the humiliation of her breakup, she stayed to mingle with the maids at the dance instead of going with her father to the Summer Eve celebrations. Miss Julie got rid of her fiancee apparently because she refused her request that she jump over the whip she was holding. The incident, apparently witnessed by Jean, is similar to training a dog to jump through a circle.

Jean picks up a bottle of fancy wine, a wine with a "yellow seal," and reveals, by the way he plays with her, that she and Christine are involved. Realizing the stench, Jean asked what Christine was cooking on a mid-summer night. The sharp mixture turned out to be an abortifacient for Miss Julie's dog, infused by a gatekeeper guard dog. Jean calls Miss Julie "too stuck in some ways and not proud of others," the traits seem to be inherited from her mother. Despite his character's weakness, Jean finds Miss Julie beautiful or maybe just a stepping stone to reach her lifelong destination of having an inn. When Miss Julie came in and asked Christine if the "food" had been cooked, Jean instantly changed shape, becoming attractive and polite. Joking, he asks if the women are gossiping about secrets or making wizard broth to see Julie's candidate. After more, Miss Julie invited Jean once again to waltz, at which point she hesitated, pointing out that she had promised Christine a dance and that the gossip generated by such acts would be ferocious. Almost offended by this response, he justifies his request by pulling the rankings: he is a hostess and must have the best dancer as his partner. Then, insisting that the rank is okay, he convinces Jean to dance with her. When they return, Miss Julie tells of the dream of climbing a pillar and can not go down. Jean responded with the story of crawling into his walled garden as a child - he saw it as "the Garden of Eden, guarded by angry angels with blazing swords" - and looked at him with longing from under a pile of rotting grass. He says he is so desperate with this unimaginable love, after seeing it on Sunday worship, that he tries to die beautifully and comfortably by sleeping in a barley basket full of old flowers, for sleeping under an old tree is considered dangerous.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
