Senin, 04 Juni 2018

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Second (And Third) Marriages: Destined for Divorce? | HuffPost

Marrying is a marriage that occurs after the previous marriage ends, because through divorce or widowhood. Some individuals are more likely to remarry than others; possibilities may vary based on previous relationship status (eg divorce versus widow), level of interest in building new romantic relationships, gender, race, and age among other factors. Those who choose not to marry again may prefer alternative arrangements such as cohabitation or separate living. Remarriage also provides mental and physical health benefits. However, although married people tend to have better health than individuals who do not represent, they still have worse health than individuals who continue to marry on an ongoing basis.

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Marriage again after divorce or separation

In 1995, depending on individual and contextual factors, up to 50% of couples in the United States ended their first marriage in divorce or permanent separation (ie the couple was not officially divorced but they no longer live together or share assets). Couples usually end their marriage because they are unhappy during the partnership; However, while these couples leave hope for their spouses, this does not mean they are giving up on the institution of marriage. The majority of people who have divorced (almost 80%) go to remarry. On average, they remarry just under 4 years after divorce; Younger adults tend to get married more quickly than older adults. For? N, more than half remarried in less than 5 years, and 10 years after the divorce, 75% have remarried.

People may want to remarry because they do not see themselves as being responsible for the end of the previous marriage. Generally, they are more likely to believe their partner's behavior leads to a divorce, and minimize the effect of their own actions. Therefore, they remain optimistic that the new partnership will lead to better results.

According to data analyzed by USA Today in 2013, the rate of remarriage in the United States has declined 40 percent over the past 20 years.

Many religions and sects forbid, or previously forbidden, remarried after divorce. Some still do so, although in many countries the percentage of people who obey them has shrunk for more than half a century. The ancient term for the second marriage dates to an earlier era of wider criticism including deuterogamy and digamy, but the term marriage or marriage back more easily understood.

Factors that affect the possibility of remarriage

Many factors influence the possibility of remarriage after divorce. Based on the 2006 census, men are more often married than women. Retirement rates also differ based on ethnicity; remarriage is the most common among white women, while black women have the lowest chance of getting married again. Age is another determining factor; women older than 25 years old at the time of divorce tend not to marry again than younger women at the time of dissolution of marriage. Having a child is associated with higher rates of remarriage for men and women. Re-marry is also different based on community settings. Women from urban or rural areas with a larger proportion of women who never married tend not to marry again. Some environmental factors do not affect all ethnicities: only non-white women from communities with high levels of unemployment and poverty have reduced the chances of remarriage.

Some women enter into a kebo-gathering relationship after divorce, not marry again. The pattern of living together after the divorce is more likely to occur in white women than blacks, for women without religious affiliation, with little or no children, and who live in more economically stable communities.

Results of remarriage

Overall, remareration is associated with greater socioeconomic security and life satisfaction compared to the rest of the divorced or separated. People who remarry tend to have better adjustments to their divorce, reporting more positive evaluations about their lives than with divorced individuals who remain single. While divorced couples have a higher risk of developing a range of physical and mental health problems, remarriage can dilute, but not eliminate, some of these health risks. Second Marriage: Victory decision over expectation? It is often assumed that a second marriage is more risky than the first marriage - "Victory of hope over experience" as popularized by Samuel Johnson in 1791. A new analysis of data commissioned from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) challenged this assumption. In fact, the second marriage as a whole is consistently better than the first marriage. Where one or both partners get married for the second time, married couples today face a 31% divorce risk during their lifetime, compared with an estimated 45% divorce risk among couples in which both married couples for the first time. However, a second marriage is not always better than the first. Again divorce and separation rates vary by demographic and social factors. The second marital disorder is more likely to occur in black women and women in economically disadvantaged communities. In contrast, divorce rates decline with age as the second marriage increases. Also, women entering their second marriage without children are generally more likely to retain their marriage.

Vulnerability to second marriage

There are several reasons why a second marriage can be more prone to interference. Partners bring the same personal qualities for their next marriage as they had during the first, but some of these qualities may have contributed to the first marriage problem. People who have divorced and remarried several times tend to be relatively impulsive and unconformist. In the second marriage, partners also often have to face additional complications that are absent in the first marriage, such as combining families. Remarriages involving stepchildren have a greater degree of dissolution than those that do not.

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Remarriage after widow

In the 2006 census, 32% of the US population over the age of 65 was a widow. Most people manage to adjust after losing a partner; research on mourning patterns finds the most frequent outcome is endurance. Even so, the marriage rate among the older widower is quite low, and even lower among the older widows. However, seeing the rate of remarriage greatly underestimates the interest in a new romantic relationship.

Differences desire to repartition

Men and women not only have different levels of remarriage, but they also differ in their desire to represent (to build a new romantic relationship). A year and a half after the death of a spouse, 15% widows and 37% widower age 65 and older are interested in dating. Differences in the desire to represent can come from the different benefits that men and women receive inside and outside marriage.

The most common reason an older adult gives for the remainder without a partner after losing a partner is gender specific. While the common myth is "grieving women, men replace," research does not support this pattern. In contrast, widows are more likely to report that they are reluctant to give up their newfound freedom and independence. Many widows who feel liberation no longer have to take care of others, and rate this more than additional friendship. Duda, on the other hand, is likely to report that they have not restated because they are concerned about being an unwanted partner because of their older age and poor health.

Some studies have found that women who are not interested in new relationships have explicitly decided to remain unpopulated. Conversely, men are more likely to report that they will not rule out the possibility but have not found a suitable relationship. Interviews show that widowers are better prepared than widows to take advantage of new relationships.

Among widows, social support appears to promote interest in new intimate partnerships. Widows with trust people are more interested in repartnering than those who do not have close friends. However, for men this pattern can be reversed. While the whole widower is more interested in remarriage than widows, only men with low or average support levels of friends are more likely than women to report a desire to remarry in the future. When a widower has a high level of social support from friends, they have the same level of interest as a widow. This suggests that men may be more motivated to represent if they do not have as much social support as they want. Women on the other hand tend to have a more diverse source of social support in their social networks.

Although gender differences in the desire to be best documented, younger age and greater unhappiness also predict an increase in interest in remarriage.

Possible repartner

Men are more likely to be repartners after losing their spouses; more than 60% of men but less than 20% of women engage in new romance or remarry in just two years after becoming a widow. Interest in repartnering is just one factor in determining the possibility that a widow or widower will build a new romantic relationship. Davidson (2002) describes a framework proposing three major intervention conditions that influence the likelihood of repartnering after widows: partner availability, eligibility, and willingness to align.

There are frequent gender differences in the availability, desire, and feasibility of new relationships. The availability of partners is a bigger obstacle for older widows; there are far fewer partners available for older women than older men, given that women tend to live longer and men tend to choose younger couples. As explained in the previous section, older widowers also usually have a greater desire to be better than widows.

Studies have identified many other factors that increase or decrease the chances of successfully becoming a member after the widow. Most of these factors fit the Davidson framework. For widows, younger age is associated with greater probability of repartnering; Younger women usually have more potential potential partners. For widowers, the new romance is predicted by greater income and education. In Davidson's model, the feasibility of relationships is influenced by age, health, and financial resources; being younger, healthier, and having financial resources make one of the more attractive partners.

Results of remarriage

Widowed elderly adults show a heightened loneliness, but expanding social networks or repartnering can reduce this loneliness. Dating and remarriage after widows seems to be a common and highly adaptive response. The surviving couple who remarried in about 1-5 years became widows had more positive results (eg greater welfare, greater life satisfaction, and less depression) than unmarried widows and widows. Further research has shown that the decrease in depression at this time compared to single widows and widowers is due to the greater socioeconomic resources of married people. For example, compared to unmarried widows, married widows tend to report higher household incomes and are less likely to report anxiety about financial matters.

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Alternative to remarry in old age

Re-marriage is not always the ideal goal or setting for divorced and widowed adults. Especially among older adults, there is growing acceptance and interest in alternative romantic commitments such as cohabitation or Living Together (LAT). While for younger adults, cohabitation is usually a precursor to marriage, older adults have an additional reason why they may not want to marry again and kebo get together is probably an ideal partnership. For some, marriage again inspires feelings of disloyalty, and adult children can prevent remarriage based on concerns about inheritance. Many older women are interested in friendships but may want to avoid long-term and hesitant obligations to renounce their new independence. However, an arrangement called Living Apart Together (LAT) offers an interesting alternative; this is an ongoing form of friendship that allows each couple to maintain autonomy and an independent home.

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The general physical and mental health benefits of remarriage

Health is affected both by the current marital status and the history of the marriage transition. Marriage provides mental and physical health benefits, but married or widowed married people continue to be harmed compared to people who marry on an ongoing basis.

Mental health benefits

Marriage has been shown to provide significant mental health benefits and remarriage seems also protective. Overall, married people have lower rates of depressive symptoms than others who have lost partners (through widows, divorce, or separation) and remain single. Re-marrying seems very beneficial for men, who have lower levels of depressive symptoms than women who remarry.

However, the health benefits of remarriage do not seem as strong as ongoing marriages. Several studies have found that the mental and physical health benefits of remarriage do not fully balance the negative effects of previous marital disorders. Compared to the strong advantages of continuous marriage, the mental health benefits are progressively weaker than any previous marriage a person has. Although men seem to benefit as much from marriage as married continuously, married women return to have weaker mental health benefits.

The difference in mental health between married women and non-displaced women appears to be due to differences in economic resources and social support. The findings also indicate that the mental health benefits of marriage for women are mainly driven by the fact that married women tend to be physically healthy than women who live together and are unpaired. There may be a selection effect in which healthy women are more likely to remarry, and then, based on their greater physical health, experience less depression. On the other hand, even when controlling economic resources, social support, and health, married men experience fewer depressive symptoms than those who live together or are unpaired. This may be because the symptoms of depression in married men are very low.

Physical health benefits

The physical health benefits of marriage are well documented, but marital disorders have been shown to have a negative impact on health. Marrying back can thins but not completely eliminates the negative health effects of marital disorders. Among married people, those who have previously divorced or widowed have worse health than those who have been married on an ongoing basis. Research has not found any difference in physical health between people with only one compared to some marital disorders. The negative health effects of marital disorders include an increased risk for chronic conditions (eg diabetes and heart disease) and mobility limitations (eg walking difficulties one block or up stairs). However, it is also important to consider that it is difficult to determine causality; it is possible that a person's health determines the possibility of them getting married and having trouble. In fact, it is possible that there is an effect in both directions.

What does the Bible say about remarriage after the death of a spouse?

See also

  • List of people who remarried with the same partner
  • Widow Conservation

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External links

  • Bride for Second Marriage

Source of the article : Wikipedia
