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Gorilla Grodd is a fictional supervillain appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, primarily as an enemy of The Flash. The character was created by John Broome and Carmine Infantino, and first appeared in The Flash #106 (May 1959). He is an evil, super-intelligent gorilla who gained mental powers after being exposed to the radiation of a meteorite.

IGN named him 35th of the Top 100 Comic Book Villains.

Video Gorilla Grodd

Publication history

Grodd debuted in Flash v.1 #106 (April-May 1959) and was created by writer John Broome and artist Carmine Infantino.

Maps Gorilla Grodd

Fictional character biography

Gorilla Grodd is a hyper-intelligent telepathic gorilla able to control the minds of others. He was an average ape until an alien spacecraft (retconned from a radioactive meteor, which also empowered Hector Hammond) crashed in his African home. Grodd and his tribe were imbued with super intelligence by the ship's pilot. Grodd and fellow gorilla Solovar also developed telepathic and telekinetic powers. Led by the alien, the gorillas constructed the super-advanced Gorilla City. The gorillas lived in peace until their home was discovered by explorers. Grodd forced one of the explorers to kill the alien and took over Gorilla City, planning to conquer the world next. Solovar telepathically contacted Barry Allen to warn him of the evil gorilla's plans, and Grodd was defeated. The villain manages to return again and again to plague the Flash and his allies.

In his first Pre-Crisis appearance he met the Flash while searching for Solovar, who had been imprisoned, during a trip to the human world. Grodd probed Solovar's mind to find the secret of mind control so he could control Gorilla City, using its inhabitants to take over the world. Solovar breaks out of his cage and tells the Flash. The Flash defeats Grodd and temporarily removes his telepathy. When his power returns, he escapes and builds a machine to strip his fellow gorillas of their intelligence. The Flash finds out from Solovar where Grodd has escaped and destroys the machine. Grodd is imprisoned again, but uses a burrowing machine he built earlier to escape again. Assuming human form, he creates a drug to strengthen his abilities. After easily stopping the Flash, Grodd experiences a side effect that removes his new powers. The Flash arrests Grodd and takes him back to Gorilla City. Grodd fakes his death by transferring his mind into a man in Central City, but is caught and arrested. Later, he instigates the Flash's Rogues Gallery, breaking them out of jail to distract the Flash after transferring his mind to that of Freddy, a gorilla in a zoo. Thanks to Solovar, the Flash learns of Grodd's escape. Ironically, Grodd, despite using radiation to negate the Flash's speed, is defeated by the gorilla's mate when she hears him mention another gorilla. He and Freddy are restored to their normal bodies.

In a confrontation with Wally West, Grodd increases the brain power of most of the animals in Central City. He hopes to endanger the lives of all the humans, but this plan backfires because some of the pets are too loyal to their humans. Grodd's plans are defeated by the Flash, assisted by the Pied Piper, Vixen, and Rex the Wonder Dog.

Immortal villain Vandal Savage kidnaps Titans member Omen using her to form the perfect team of adversaries for the Teen Titans. Savage approaches Grodd, offering him membership in this new anti-Titans group, Tartarus. Savage offers promises of power and immortality. Grodd joins Tartarus on their mission to synthesize the immortal blood of the H.I.V.E. Mistress, Addie Kane. Savage seeks to create a serum that will grant immortality. Their schemes are thwarted when the Titans intervene. Tempest later leads a rescue mission to save Omen from Savage. During the rescue attempt, Tartarus collapses upon itself due to each member having a different agenda, because Omen had purposely chosen members who would not work well together. When Siren switches alliances during the battle and aids Tempest in escaping, the Tartarus members go their separate ways.

Grodd has made no fewer than eighteen attempts to eliminate all traces of humanity from the face of the earth. In Son of Ambush Bug #5 (November 1986), he travels to the Late Cretaceous "to wipe out all traces of human evolution from the time stream" (despite the fact that, at this point in time, the ancestors of humanity would be his own ancestors as well). His plans are shattered by the sudden appearance of Titano and Ambush Bug waking from a nightmare. Whether or not Grodd's plan is a failure is disputable.

In the final issue of Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew, Grodd travels to Earth-C in an attempt to conquer it, but is defeated by the efforts of the Zoo Crew (plus Changeling of the Teen Titans).

In the 1991 Angel and the Ape limited series, Grodd is revealed as the grandfather of Angel's partner, Sam Simeon. This is in conflict with Martian Manhunter Annual #2 (1999), which states that Sam Simeon is Grodd's brother.

In the Justice League of America Wedding Special, Gorilla Grodd is among the villains seen as members of the Injustice League Unlimited.

During the Final Night, Grodd attempted to use a mystical talisman called the Heart of Darkness (normally effective only in eclipses) that brought out the 'inner beast' of humans, turning the population of the town of Leesburg into feral monsters, including Supergirl. However, Supergirl was eventually able to fight off Grodd's influence, allowing her to oppose Grodd until the sun was restored. Grodd is assumed killed when an icicle fell into him.

One of Grodd's widest ranging schemes was to arrange Solovar's assassination and manipulate Gorilla City into war against humanity, with the aid of a "shadow cabinet" of prominent gorillas called Simian Scarlet. In the course of this, Grodd absorbs too much neural energy from his fellow apes, leaving him with the intelligence of a normal gorilla. He has since recovered, and a failed attempt to set up a base in Florida leads to his capture and incarceration in Iron Heights.

Grodd had been trapped inside the human body of an overweight street bum. He was attacked by a gang known as the Vultures. One of them commented on how their member Iggo had the strength of a gorilla, which reminded Grodd of his true form. Suddenly changing back to his original shape and size, he quickly defeated the gang, making them believe that they are burning in molten lava by using his telepathic abilities. Reading the minds of the crooks, he saw that one of the former members of their gang was a friend of the Flash, and a plan began to form in his mind.

Grodd found another space rock, identical to the one that had given him his powers, and contacted Hector Hammond, a human who had also gained similar powers. Grodd was able to take control of Gorilla City after increasing his evolution, but was defeated once more.

Grodd is also seen in the Superman/Batman arc "Public Enemies" (Superman/Batman #1 - #7) controlling numerous villains and heroes in order to take down Superman and Batman for the prize of one billion dollars offered by then U.S. President Lex Luthor. Despite his use of foes such as Mongul, Solomon Grundy, Lady Shiva, and Nightshade, Batman is able to deduce the mind behind the attacks and they quickly dispose of Grodd.

He is responsible for crippling the Flash's friend Hunter Zolomon, resulting in his transformation into the villainous Zoom when Hunter tries to change the event so it never happened. Hunter would often think about how Grodd used him as a plaything in that fight while talking it over with the Flash.

In Birds of Prey #23, Grodd makes a deal with Grimm to get Blockbuster an ape heart.

In JLA Classified #1-3, DC, 3-issue story arc, 2004, Grodd and his forces attack the Ultramarine Corps. Grodd has most of the citizens they are protecting killed. He personally eats some of the humans. During the course of this incident, Beryl informs the team that Grodd ranks number three on the latest "Global Most Wanted".

In the Salvation Run mini-series, Grodd teams up with the Joker to gather their own faction of the exiled supervillains. He kills Monsieur Mallah and the Brain, and was knocked off a cliff by the Joker. He is seen alive and attempting to deliver payback to the Joker.

In Justice League of America #21, Grodd is shown among the members of Libra's new Secret Society and placed in the Inner Circle. In Final Crisis storyline, Gorilla Grodd was among the high ranked superheroes and supervillains that were turned into Justifiers. He is sent to apprehend Snapper Carr and Cheetah, but fails.

The New 52

In the new continuity of The New 52 (a reboot of the DC Comics universe), before Flash makes earthfall into the super ape's midst, Grodd was crown prince of Gorilla City speaking with his father, King Grodd, about how the light that touched their fair city was destiny. Destiny which had once again tilted its hand and brought their culture to being, but Grodd rebuffs these claims stating their destiny was their own to command, and that they were destined for dominance. The Flash (Barry Allen) first encounters Gorilla Grodd after a trip through the Speed Force which strands him in their hidden community, all of which just shortly after Grodd has been newly crowned as gorilla king after killing his father and consuming his mind.

The Flash is hailed as a messenger spoken of in gorilla prophecy by all but Grodd who sees the interloper as a threat to his ascension and designs for world conquest. When told of the treachery planned by the Ape Elders from his most trusted general, Grodd led a personal execution detail in an attempt to kill Barry and assume the mantle of the Light Bringer. But The Flash foils Grodd's attempts by outmaneuvering him until King Grodd causes the caves containing Gorilla Cities history to collapse upon himself, knocking him unconscious, allowing the Flash to escape.

After having been unearthed by General Silverback while still buried beneath the rubble of the ruined cave, Grodd eventually recuperated after his previous battle with Flash. He found that he still had some followers among the ape army and would eventually slaughter most of the elders, saving one needed for his invasion plans. Grodd returns and attacks Central City with an army of gorilla soldiers searching for payback against The Messenger. After a while of waiting out the battle, Gorilla Grodd would make his way to one of Dr. Darwin Elias's labs which contain canisters of Flash's excess speed energy, consuming these batteries temporarily supercharges Grodd's own Speed Force evolved physiology enabling him enough speed and power to overwhelm the flash nearly killing him.

During the "Forever Evil" storyline, Gorilla Grodd returns to Central City during a ceremony commemorating Flash between the humans and gorillas at the time when Ultraman had caused an eclipse. Gorilla Grodd, brandishing several new powers courtesy of The Light, proceeds to take control of Central City as its king and renames it Grodd City. Eventually growing bored with this, Grodd uses his heightened abilities to take off, the rest of his apes following him to parts unknown.

Gorilla Grodd wallpapers, Comics, HQ Gorilla Grodd pictures | 4K ...

Powers and abilities

Grodd's psionic abilities allow him to place other beings under his mental control and transfer his consciousness into other bodies. Grodd also has (on occasion) vast telekinetic abilities ranging from force beams, telekinetic transmutation of matter and lifting thousands of tons mentally. In recent issues he has shown the ability to absorb intelligence through the consumption of human brains. He possesses great superhuman strength far exceeding that of an ordinary gorilla. He is a scientific genius who has mastered Gorilla City's advanced technology and who has created many incredible inventions of his own. He also uses large laser guns. His thought process still operates at a relatively human rate of speed; the Flashes have shown some degree of immunity to his telepathic illusions by moving so fast that their thoughts process Grodd's illusions in slow motion. In one story, Grodd either gains or strengthens his already vast psychokinetic abilities via ingesting a pill he develops after evolving himself into a human, enabling him to control the forces of nature. But after he turns back, he loses this power as his brain is not evolved enough; in later stories, however, Grodd has been seen using both his psionic attributes openly without the need of accelerated evolution.

In the New 52 reboot of DC continuity, Grodd, like all the super apes of Gorilla City, gained their powers from The Light; the gorillas' identifying term for Flash's Speed Force, the very embodiment of which represents relative space and time. Being of noble blood King Grodd is tougher, stronger, quicker and far more physically and mentally dynamic than other members of his evolved species. He boasts enhanced gorilla strength, enough to easily rend flesh from bone, pick up and/or smash cars and injure Flash through his speed aura, being durable enough to resist supersonic punches from the Flash, rip his way out of barbed wire unharmed and even survive impacts from a charging mammoth affected by the speed force. He has sharp enough reflexes to keep up with even the most nimble meta-humans with relative ease as he was able to grasp at Flash more than once while he was running, having intercepted many of his high-speed attacks more than once. Another facet to his physiology is that he, along with other apes like him, can assimilate both the knowledge and powers of enemies who they kill by devouring their brains, a process dubbed by their forefathers as "Cerecorbis". This process increases Grodd's intelligence, bestowing him with a super genius IQ on top of whatever memories his vanquished enemies had as well as any abilities they might have possessed. Via direct ingestion of The Light's energies, he gains enhanced speed and further augmented dynamism, enabling him to not just effortlessly keep up with, but outright overpower Flash in a straightforward fight, although this augmentation was short-lived as the speed force batteries he drained to get his jump were a finite source, causing him to shrivel and weaken over time. Thanks to his time trapped within the force dimension however, Grodd gained an even greater acceleration of his development; not only retaining his previous abilities of bolstered strength and super speed, but also accelerating his developmental process, granting him telepathy much like what his species' elders grow into with age, as well as telekinesis which is unique to him.

Injustice 2 - Gorilla Grodd All Unlockable Abilities - YouTube

Other versions

Antimatter Universe

Gorilla Grodd has a counterpart on the post-Crisis antimatter universe's Earth called General Grodd who is a member of the Justice Underground. He is a freedom fighter from a militaristic ape nation.


In the Flashpoint timeline, Gorilla Grodd has succeeded in overthrowing Solovar and taken over Gorilla City. Gorilla Grodd began a campaign to control all of Africa. Despite his conquest being a great success, Gorilla Grodd feels unfulfilled since none of his enemies have been able to prove a challenge to him, and the war between Aquaman and Wonder Woman has overshadowed his actions, constantly frustrating him. He soon begins to feel bored by his accomplishments since they prove far too easy for him and often lets his enemies live, hoping for them to become greater challenges in the future. He also decides to begin a campaign to control Europe, knowing perfectly well that this action will make him a target for the Atlanteans and Amazons. Gorilla Grodd arrives at the scene to attack during the Atlantean/Amazon war.

Injustice: Gods Among Us

Gorilla Grodd makes a brief appearance in Injustice: Gods Among Us's prequel comic, in which during the Justice League's manhunt for Mirror Master, Grodd is one of the villains interrogated by Shazam. LEGO Superheroes Gorilla Grodd Goes Bananas: Toys & Games

In other media



  • Gorilla Grodd appears on The CW's The Flash, voiced by David Sobolov; additional portrayals (via mind-controlled proxies) are done by Clancy Brown (as Wade Eiling), Jesse L. Martin (as Joe West) and Tom Cavanagh (as Harrison Wells). Introduced in season one, this version of the character was a test subject for General Wade Eiling's experiments in developing psychic abilities for interrogation, under S.T.A.R. Labs' supervision. But when Eiling tortures Grodd, Eobard Thawne ends Grodd's experiments and planned to use the gorilla for his own ends. Five years later, Grodd was exposed to the particle accelerator explosion's energies and escaped S.T.A.R. Labs, which gave to him super-intelligence and telepathic powers. Driven off in the first season, he returned in the second season to try and force the team to create more like him, but was eventually banished to Gorilla City in Earth-Two. In the third season, Grodd manipulates the team into helping him stage a coup of Gorilla City so that he can lead the gorillas in an invasion of Central City, but Barry is able to help the city's former leader Solovar retake command of his people, the rest of the gorillas returning to Earth-2 while Grodd is sent to an A.R.G.U.S. prison on Earth-1.
  • An older Gorilla Grodd appear in the third season of DC's Legends of Tomorrow episode "Welcome of the Jungle," voiced again by David Sobolov. This Grodd is an anachronism who exists during the Vietnam War and used his powers to enslave both American and Viet-Kong soldiers to form his own "kingdom". He tried to take over the Waverider only for Martin Stein, Gideon, and Isaac Newton to manipulate events that caused Grodd to fall towards the napalm fire caused by the air strike. He is saved upon being brought back to the present by Damien Darhk who persuades him into joining up with him.


  • Gorilla Grodd appeared on the ABC animated series Challenge of the Super Friends, voiced by Stanley Ralph Ross. He is one of the Flash's two villains (along with Captain Cold) that appear as members of Lex Luthor's Legion of Doom. It should be noted that this version, though highly intelligent, never displays telepathic abilities. In "The Time Trap", he creates a method of time travel, which the Legion of Doom apparently uses other times. In "Revenge on Gorilla City", Grodd hatches a plot to take control of Gorilla City and use its citizens to conquer the world.
  • Gorilla Grodd later appeared in Super Friends, voiced again by Stanley Ralph Ross. In the short episode "Two Gleeks Are Deadlier Than One", he and Giganta capture Gleek and replace him with a robot duplicate in order to infiltrate the Super Friends and learn what they are planning. In "Revenge of Doom", Grodd was seen with the Legion of Doom when they got back together.
  • Gorilla Grodd appears in Batman: The Brave and the Bold, voiced by John DiMaggio. In the episode "Terror on Dinosaur Island!", he and his ape followers plot to devolve the human race with an E-Ray from their headquarters on Dinosaur Island. They ran into conflicts with Batman and Plastic Man. With Batman devolved into an ape, Plastic Man helps the ape Batman fight Grodd and his servants. When the E-Ray is activated, it evolved the humans (Batman put the E-Ray on reverse when Grodd was not looking) back to their natural state. It even evolved Grodd to a human who ended up incarcerated at Iron Heights in the end, planning his revenge. He was later shown in the episode "Day of the Dark Knight" escaping Iron Heights (still in human form) and attempting to attack Batman, but stopped by Green Arrow. The character has a heroic counterpart in a parallel universe in "Deep Cover for Batman!" which resembles Solovar; Batman almost punches the counterpart but stops short and explains 'You look like someone I know'. The original Grodd (now a gorilla again) joins Owlman, the Joker and other villains in the episode "Game Over for Owlman!". Grodd is Batman's primary opponent once more in the episode "Last Bat on Earth" in which he travels to a post-apocalyptic future. There, he takes command of an army of intelligent apes and uses superior technology to defeat their opponents, a city of similarly evolved tigers (it is revealed that Grodd takes great offense to people calling him a monkey or a chimpanzee). Batman pursues Grodd to this time, where he enlists Kamandi's help in defeating Grodd. At the end, Grodd is trampled by his retreating forces and is taken back to the present in handcuffs with Batman. Grodd returns as the primary adversary of Batman, Detective Chimp, B'wana Beast and Vixen in the episode "Gorillas in Our Midst", forming an alliance with Monsieur Mallah and Gorilla Boss to create an ape army called G.A.S.P. (Gorillas and Apes Seizing Power) to take over the world. Gorilla Grodd captures an undercover Detective Chimp in their lair, and later captures Batman, revealing both a ploy to capture Gotham City and an obsession with Batman in the form of a utility belt, proclaiming he has had it for years, he just simply has not worn it. He and his gorilla army later invade Gotham and face off against B'wana Beast and Vixen, who his gorilla army captures and places in a zoo. They later recapture Batman and Detective Chimp when they return to Gotham and attempt to rescue Gotham, but was defeated when they use B'wana Beast's powers to both escape and to empower Batman with the form of a Bat-Griffin.
  • Gorilla Grodd appears in the Justice League Action episode "Mxy's Mix-Up" voiced again by David Sobolov. He leads his army of gorillas into attacking the United Nations where they end up fighting Superman, Batman, and Stargirl. Mister Mxyzptlk crashes the battle where he mixes up Superman, Batman, and Stargirl's minds. This does cause some difficulty during their fight against Gorilla Grodd and his army. When the Justice League's bravo team arrives with Firestorm, Gorilla Grodd witnesses Mister Mxyzptlk mix up their minds as well. When Martin Stein's mind tricks Mister Mxyzptlk into saying his name backwards, the Justice League's minds are restored to their bodies as they defeat Gorilla Grodd and his army who are then arrested by the police. In "Harley Goes Ape" Gorilla Grodd uses a helmet to mind control Titano. Superman and Stargirl arrive to fight the apes, but are repelled. Harley Quinn arrives and, since she used to work with Titano, distracts him. Gorilla Grodd, enraged, has Titano try to kill Harley. However, Superman knocks off the helmet, and Titano flings Gorilla Grodd into a police truck. Later, when Harley is put in the same truck, he sheepishly apologizes to her, and Harley decides to act as his psychologist.
DC animated universe
  • Gorilla Grodd appears in the Justice League animated series, voiced by Powers Boothe. This version hates bananas and resents being offered them. Introduced in season one's "The Brave and the Bold", he is a fugitive from the secretive Gorilla City, a spurned would-be tyrant who vows vengeance on his fellow primates. Maintaining an e-mail relationship with scientist Dr. Sarah Corwin (voiced by Virginia Madsen), he comes to Central City to cloak the metropolis in a similar shield as Gorilla City's. This provides him a hidden base from which to launch a nuclear assault against Gorilla City, while he controls Central City's populace with his mind-control helmet. The Flash, Green Lantern and Gorilla City's head of security Solovar rush to defeat Grodd himself while the Justice League stop the bombs. Grodd becomes incapacitated when he tries to use the mind-control helmet on Flash, not knowing that Flash had switched around various wires at high speed. Later in Gorilla City, Grodd is shown in a zoo-like prison cell, appearing as though he were brain damaged. As the League and Solovar depart from the area, the camera zooms in on Grodd's face in the episode's last few seconds as he comes to his senses and gets an angry look on his face as the banana in his hand breaks. Grodd returns in season two's "Secret Society", showcasing a different side to the villain. No longer focused on Gorilla City, Grodd becomes an opponent to the Justice League as a whole. With his loyal follower Giganta, he recruits for a Secret Society manipulating each member; Killer Frost's simple enjoyment of murder, Parasite 's hatred for all Green Lante, Sinestro's hatred for all Green Lanterns, Shade being offered by Grodd to be a master criminal, and Clayface hatred for Batman and being promised by Grodd to find a way to be human again. It also turns out that Grodd's accident with his mind-control helmet has given him mental powers, which he utilizes in this story as a subtle type of tampering with the League's emotions. Having watched the League via secret cameras for weeks, Grodd manipulates the superhero group's feelings until his nemeses start lashing out at each other and end up walking away from the team. Having separated the nemeses, Grodd tries to capture each superhero and invades a football halftime show to try to do away with the superheroes publicly, but was foiled when J'onn J'onzz frees the others. Grodd's allies battle the League one last time but fails to beat them, and Grodd is subsequently defeated by Superman.
  • Gorilla Grodd appears in Justice League Unlimited, voiced again by Powers Boothe. In season one's "Ultimen", Giganta teams up with Bizzaro in an attempt to break Grodd out of prison, but was defeated by Wonder Woman and Long Shadow; Grodd does not actually appear in the episode. In the final season, Grodd turns up as the leader of an expended Secret Society, a sort of co-op for supervillains with each free to act on their own, but able to call in help should they need it (for twenty-five percent of their spoils) against the expanded Justice League. After having the Secret Society seek out various valuable artifacts over the season's course, Grodd reveals his master plan: to turn every human on the planet into an ape. The plan however is thwarted by the League. Unimpressed, Lex Luthor usurps Grodd's position as the Secret Society's new leader due to reclaiming his own god-like power when merged with Brainiac. Luthor keeps Grodd prisoner in the Secret Society's headquarters in the hopes that he will reveal how to reconstitute Brainiac from the living supercomputer's last remaining fragment. When Lex attempts to probe Grodd's mind, bad fortune leads to Lex switching minds with the Flash due a psychic resonance between Grodd and Flash. When Luthor has the headquarters refit for space travel, promising the Secret Society a place of leadership in the new order with himself as absolute ruler, the spurned Tala eventually releases Grodd, arranging a mutiny with many within the supervillain group. Grodd and Luthor eventually finally find themselves alone together and engage in fisticuffs. Grodd attempts to use his mind-control ability on Lex, but Luthor had anticipated this and turns Grodd's own power back on himself, giving Luthor control of Grodd. After first humiliating Grodd, Luthor forces him to step into an airlock. Grodd is released from Luthor's mental grip and then shot into space.


Live action

Gorilla Grodd is acknowledged to exist within the franchise, in a scene appearing in Justice League (2017). As Bruce Wayne / Batman attempts to recruit Barry Allen / The Flash into the Justice League, the latter quickly mentions his unique abilities including "gorilla sign-language".


  • Gorilla Grodd makes a small cameo in Justice League: New Frontier. The government made a robot copy of Gorilla Grodd in a plot to capture the Flash.
  • Gorilla Grodd appears briefly in the animated movie Superman/Batman: Public Enemies where he has a small role mind-controlling the same villains he used in the comics to capture Superman and Batman. Brian George is credited.
  • Gorilla Grodd appears in the direct-to-dvd animated film JLA Adventures: Trapped in Time, with Travis Willingham reprising his role from Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes.
  • Gorilla Grodd appears in the direct-to-dvd animated film Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League vs. Bizarro League, voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson. He brainwashes some villains into helping him steal some banana crates only to be defeated by the Justice League.
  • Gorilla Grodd appears in the special Robot Chicken DC Comics Special 2: Villains in Paradise, voiced by Clancy Brown. A member of the Legion of Doom, he is also seen depicted with a friendship with Lena Luthor.
  • Kevin Michael Richardson reprises his role as Gorilla Grodd in the animated film Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League: Attack of the Legion of Doom. He appears as a member of the Legion of Doom.
  • A Feudal Japan version of Gorilla Grodd will appear in Batman Ninja.

Video games

  • Gorilla Grodd is featured in the video game Justice League Heroes, voiced by Neil Kaplan. A robot double of Brainiac frees Gorilla Grodd from his prison so he can take revenge on Gorilla City for imprisoning him.
  • Gorilla Grodd is the first boss in the game Justice League Heroes: The Flash. He attempts to take over Keystone City with cyber-gorillas and other robots provided by Brainiac, but is stopped by the Flash.
  • Gorilla Grodd appears in Batman: The Brave and the Bold - The Videogame as one of the villains, with John DiMaggio reprising his role.
  • Gorilla Grodd makes an appearance in DC Universe Online, voiced by Jens Anderson. He appears as a boss in one of the many solo instances. When the players have defeated Ultra-Humanite on Gorilla Island, Grodd is shown watching the outcome from his base where he states that Ultra-Humanite is no true ape. In the hero campaign, the players infiltrate Grodd's lab in order to rescue Flash. After the player and Flash defeat Grodd he escapes. In the villain campaign, the players help Grodd fight the Flash and the original Flash during a raid at S.T.A.R. Labs. He is supported by Gorilla Brigadiers, Gorilla Grenadiers, Gorilla Lieutenants, Gorilla Marksmen, Gorilla Scouts, Gorilla Smashers, Gorilla Soldiers, Gorilla Technicians, Gorilla Troopers, Grodd's Pounders, and Captain Shortly.
  • In the Batman: Arkham Knight "Season of Infamy" episode, "Beneath the Surface", Gorilla Grodd's name is engraved on a cell door in Iron Heights Penitentiary, where Warden Ranken was attacked by Killer Croc.

Lego Batman

  • Gorilla Grodd appears in Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes, voiced by Travis Willingham. He is available through downloadable content.
  • Gorilla Grodd appears as a playable character in Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham, voiced by Ike Amadi. He is found by the player in Odym and has two quests. In the first one, he requires the player to help him create a "Banana Cannon" by giving him a banana because he "cannot work on a empty stomach". In the second quest, Grodd requires the player to defeat his former girlfriend Giganta with his "Banana Cannon".


  • Gorilla Grodd makes a cameo appearance in Injustice: Gods Among Us. He is an interactive character in Stryker's Island. Grodd also appears as a support card in the iOS App.
  • Gorilla Grodd appears as the secondary antagonist and a playable character in Injustice 2, voiced by Charles Halford. In the game, Grodd, seeking to fill the power vacuum left by the Superman regime, forms a team of supervillains, The Society, in order to help him in his mission to conquer Earth and subdue mankind. However, he is later revealed to be assisting Brainiac in eliminating the planet. After the Society disbands from finding out the true nature of Brainiac's plans, Grodd goes on to confront Aquaman and Black Adam in Kahndaq with heroes under his control to help Brainiac conquer the nation. He is defeated by the two and executed by Aquaman. In his single player ending, he kills Brainiac and steals his technology to enhance his telepathic power, enslaving the human race. He then begins a universal conquest.

Web series

Gorilla Grodd appears in the web series DC Super Hero Girls voiced again by John DiMaggio. He appears as the vice-principal of Super Hero High.


  • Gorilla Grodd appears in the direct-to-video DC Super Friends: The Joker's Playhouse (2010) voiced by Phil LaMarr.
  • Gorilla Grodd appeared in issue #18 of the comic book tie-in to Young Justice. This version is a Kobra venom-enhanced gorilla that was experimented upon by Brain and Ultra-Humanite where his strength and intelligence were enhanced.

Gorilla Grodd/King Shark - Frontline - YouTube

See also

  • Gorillas in comics

Gorilla Grodd Vs Solovar - The Flash 3x14 - YouTube


Injustice 2 Telepathic Sociopath Gorilla Grodd Finish Mission ...

External links

  • Alan Kistler's Profile On: The Flash
  • Arrowverse entry for Gorilla Grodd
  • Gorilla Grodd on IMDb

Source of the article : Wikipedia
